Blog Archive

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Squirrel Remembers

You never know when you'll need Squirrel.

Title Not Intended to Be Relevant

If you haven't been paying attention, Senator Kyl's staff really did say that his remark about Planned Parenthood "was not intended to be a factual statement."

Now that I looked it up, it looks like I kind of mangled the actual line. Comic not intended to be an accurate comic.

Rebel on a Bike

Mountain Lion Attack

The background comes close to overwhelming the foreground, and I don't think the joke was that good to begin with either. But I do love drawing awkward little kids in dangerous situations.

Gouge its eyes out, Jonny!

Glenn Beck

This one got me a shout-out on the front page again. I guess I'll make it a personal goal to earn one of those every semester.

The Living Room

Someone from the Daily Texan reviewed this comic and, as I recall, seemed to indicate that he didn't get it. It's interesting how we don't think twice about the words we use (the joke is just a play on words; it's literally a living room).


I actually stole this joke from a comic series I did for another college newspaper. Call it lame, but the original strip never got published, and who cares if I'm plagiarizing myself anyway?